We extend an invitation for you to join us for a bless-tastic worship experience this Saturday!

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To everyone who has graced Ray of Light Ministries International with your presence, Pastor Anthony Lewis and Sister Edrewnae Lewis say welcome and blessings upon you! We are so very excited that you've chosen to be a part of our community. We do not take this opportunity lightly to share our faith, to rejoice together in the Spirit, and to bond closer to you in the fellowship of our Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Friend, Jesus Christ.

In the Book of Joshua (Chapter 4:1-9), God's people were instructed to gather "stones of remembrance" out of the Jordan River bed, as they crossed over into the Promised Land. The stones were strategically placed, not only to serve as a reminder that the LORD had brought them "out of the wilderness" into the Promised Land, but also to provide a way for them to pass on their great heritage to succeeding generations. As we recall our own "Milestones" or "stones of remembrance", we too are reminded of where the LORD has brought us from (as well as HOW He brought us), and are grateful for this opportunity to tell next generations what the LORD has done to establish this ministry as a beacon of light moving forward.

We would like to express our gratitude to you for joining us. Our heart-felt prayer is that your experiences with Ray Of Light Advent Ministry leave an eternal impression upon your heart.
Prayerfully Submitted,
Pastor Anthony & Sister Edrewnae Lewis

Location & Service Times

514 South Parramore Ave
Orlando, FL 32805
(at Harvest Baptist Church)

Morning Meditation & Prayer at 9:30 am
Sabbath School at 10 am
Divine Service at 11:30 am
Children's Ministries at 11:30 am
Sabbath Lunch (Provided) at 1 pm
Bible Reflection and Q&A at 5:30 pm
Prayer Line at 7 pm
605-468-8814, Access Code: 679074#